Meat Order Telegraph Harbour Marina
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The latest meat order is in stock at Telegraph Harbour Marina:
This one contains Fresh smoked farmer sausage, Cooked farmers sausage, Heritage New York strip loins (these look amazing)And mixed 63 acre/grass fed beef cheeks. Great price point on these, and they will be delicious braised or slow cooked.
In addition to this, I've restocked the maple pork sausage, the beef dinner sausage, and the Italian fresh sausage (all frozen)
Also in the freezer, we have more ground venison, ground turkey thigh, and grass-fed ground beef, along with a trial run of 63 acres ground beef
We have some ribeye, grassfed dino ribs, and top sirloin in the fresh fridge from last order - I will freeze this down once it completes wet aging on Monday. In the freezer, we have a number of striploin and ribeye from an earlier price point, which was a little lower. We also have some eye of rounds in the freezer at a good price point if you're looking for a deal!