Notice of Upcoming TICA Extraordinary General Meeting
Notice of Upcoming TICA Extraordinary General Meeting
It has come to our attention that some members' emails either did not arrive, or got put into their junk-mail. The notice was sent out Saturday, March 14th, two weeks prior to the upcoming meeting.
To be sure that the Notice of Meeting gets out to as many members as possible, we are sending out a second notice.
Also, due to the measures being taken to reduce the spread of COVID-19, TICA will be creating a vote format that will not involve a heavy concentration of members in an enclosed space. More information will follow next week regarding place, and format.
Thetis Island Community Association: Notice to all TICA Members
The Directors wish to advise the Membership that the contractwith J. Lealand Construction Ltd. is being terminated.
In an effort to contain costs and minimize delay, the Directors and Expansion Committee do not recommend
engaging in another competitive selection tender process.
The Directors are asking the Members to vote on the following motion:
"Be it resolved that the Forbes Hall Expansion Project proceed with a single selection (sole source) process
to engage a new general contractor."
Dated March 14, 2020