TIVFD Burn Permits

Starting April 1st a TIVFD Burn Permit is required for all outdoor burn piles, incinerators or campfires.
Please call the Permit Pager AFTER 9 a.m. and BEFORE 5 p.m. starting on April 1st, or apply on-line starting April 1st. The permit pager number starting on April 1st is: 250-715-9131...follow the directions given (in other words, enter the number you are calling FROM when asked. Don't enter the permit pager number...we already know that one.)
You can also go to www.thetisislandfire.ca and click on the Burn Permit link to apply on-line. We check the on-line requests daily but we are not sitting in front of the computer 24/7 so please make your request ahead of time.
The hazard board by the ferry dock will give you the latest fire hazard rating, as will the TIVFD website. Please access the Burning Regulations for information on what you must know to have a legal fire.
Thank you, and have a safe fire season.
Fire Chief J. Caldbeck
Thetis Island Fire Dept.
Box 14-6, Thetis Island
BC, V0R 2Y0
cell: 250-252-0544