TIVFD: Road Etiquette and Regulations

If you notice in your rear view mirror that a vehicle is behind you with its four-way flashers on, and it has a red and white “fire plate” above or below the regular licence plate, that’s a fire fighter/first responder politely asking you to let them by when it is safe to do so because they are trying to get to the firehall efficiently and expediently to answer the emergency call they just received. All of our members have taken the Emergency Vehicle Drivers’ Regulation course and will be super safe getting to the hall…after all, we can’t afford a second emergency on top of the first. Thank you for letting us by.
Of course, when we are driving the Emergency Vehicles and have our red and white flashing lights on, by law you MUST pull over to the side and let the Emergency Vehicles pass. This is the law for both sides of the road, whether you see the TIVFD coming towards you or behind you. Sometimes seconds count on an Emergency Response.
Thanks from us all.
Fire Chief J. Caldbeck
Thetis Island Vol. Fire Dept.