Welcome to thetisposts.ca
Feel free to send us bits & pieces of information and interest, photos to share and notices of upcoming events etc.
Use the contact page or e-mail us directly.
Clam Bay Photos

See Dee's Gallery for a collection of Clam Bay photos.
Why our library is loved...

From an islander, via Sandy Alexandre: ‘On a recent visit to Chapters I was disappointed that it had sold out a new book (Arguably, by Christopher Hitchens) that I really wanted to read. Imagine my delight to see it at our library. Thetis has one of the best little libraries to be found anywhere. Offering great books and films, it helps give Thetis a unique and strong cultural heartbeat. Keep up the good work.’
Day One

Here we are, ready for all that will come our way. Looking forward to being a connecting point for our Thetis Island community.
Join in, send us a welcome, or a story!
Gwen's Kernels of Wisdom

Never pull weeds when it’s too dark to see exactly what you are pulling.
Stinging nettles look just like any other weed.
It's Spring!

According to various sources, the swallows and hummingbirds are back...
Gwen's Kernels of Wisdom

Have you ever wondered why some jobs take forever to start? Today I was wandering around the house wondering what I was going to do. It was raining. So no yard or garden work was going to get done. Don was busy with a carpentry project. I opted for doing the dishes.
Three job options were open for me. One, I know and love; yard and garden. Two, I know and detest; dishes. The other, carpentry; don’t understand it and avoid it like the plague.
Sometimes we don’t start a project simply because we aren’t sure how to do it.
Earth Hour

Remember to dim the lights between 8:30 and 9:30 tonight for earth hour. See the CBC article here.