March Low-tide at Preedy





Saturday, May 3

Forbes Hall



June 14, 2025




11:30 - 1:00

Forbes Hall

Venting Index


Thetis Island Community Association



Contact & Access Information



provided by Paul Duncan

Background - Phase 1 Report

Final - Phase 2 Report


Who's Who of Thetis Pets Registry


Thetis Island Community Fund

Welcome to

Feel free to send us bits & pieces of information and interest, photos to share and notices of upcoming events etc.

Use the contact page or e-mail us directly.


Capernwray's Pump House Hours

Capernwray Harbour's Pump House Snack Shop offers a variety of refreshments,books & souvenirs.

Hours of operation until August 24th are:

Sunday: 2 - 5pm & 9 - 9:45PM

Monday - Thursday: 2 - 3:30PM & 8 - 9:30PM

Friday - 12:45 - 2PM


Wanted: a 4ft folding table


Happy Retirement to Tom & Gloria...

On Sunday, July 9th, a small gathering was held to honour community members, Tom & Gloria, upon their retirement. After moving to Thetis in 1991 and establishing their home & business, they are about to embark on the next chapter of their lives.  Building a new home, closing Quack Farm Nursery & White Peony Tea & Gift Shop, they are ready for new adventures and relaxation.  

Hats off to a wonderful couple!


New "For Sale" Items

Roomba, Multi-Terrain 4 Wh. Roller Skates, Portable BBQ, & a Hobie Cat!

Click here to go to ads


There's a New Truck in Town...

After discovering the high cost of getting fill moved on Thetis we came to a solution for us and anyone wanting to take advantage of it. We have just bought a medium size dump truck for use on Thetis Island, We are calling our little business "Rite Good Dump" Sounds funny?... Well the Rite stands for Ri-chard and Te-ss.

We can haul 6 yards of sand, gravel, soil or rocks at a time. We also have a 30ft 22K GVW beavertail flatdeck trailer for heavy equipment, logs or what have you moving.

Also, we are considering making a list of persons wanting to get rid of or sell (e.g.: soil, gravel) fill from their property and persons who want fill for their property, if we can match a person with fill to a person wanting fill and they live close to each other both sides win.

If you have a need, give us a call and maybe we can help you out.

          Richard and Tess Demarco

          24B Bella Vista

For Service Listings Click here


Correction for Capernwray Harbour Garden Tours

Please note that the tours will be held on Wednesdays, not Tuesdays as originally posted.

Each WEDNESDAY afternoon between July 10 and August 21, Capernwray Harbour will be hosting a GARDEN TOUR, TALK & TEA during their Holiday Bible Weeks and Thetis Islanders are most welcome to join in!   Take the opportunity to tour the Capernwray Gardens with our resident gardeners.  Ask questions, talk gardens, enjoy the beauty, find out how it’s all done and end the tour with a cup of tea in the greenhouse.  A perfectly civilized afternoon activity. Meet John Toplensky or Barry Friesen at the Capernwray Garden Gate at 2:00 pm on the Wednesday of your choice. Contact the Capernwray Office if you require more information.


New Ferry Contract Signals the Way to $30 Million in Service Cuts

The Province and BC Ferries have now executed an amended Coastal Ferry Services Contract for Performance Term 3, covering the 4 years to 31 March, 2016 – in which the Province has signaled its intention to identify a further $26 million in cost savings from island ferry service cuts, in addition to $4m of savings already agreed with BC Ferries on the major routes to and from the mainland.

A release issued last week by the BC Ferry Commissioner confirmed the detail of the new contract – and the principles within which the cost savings will be identified.   “Service adjustments” could happen on any ferry route – and the new contract sets a deadline of 30 June 2013 for proposals to be submitted to the Ferry Commissioner.

The contract spells out the guiding principles that are to be taken into account by the Province’s consultants in identifying where the $26 million of savings should be targeted.  These principles are described in the contract as being “neither exhaustive nor mutually exclusive”:

·  Ferry routes that incur a significant financial loss annually, before the application of service fees

·  Ferry routes that report annual capacity utilization levels below 55%

·  Ferry routes that have core service levels defined on a round-trip basis where such round trips typically report capacity utilization levels below 20% either seasonally or annually

·  Specific adjustments will take into account anticipated major capital expenditures

·  Specific adjustments will take into account the complexity of ferry routes that involve multiple ports

·  Specific adjustments will take into account the need to ensure basic ferry service at the route level, where applicable.  Examples of basic ferry service include travel to school, work and significant community events.

How this will impact Thetis and Penelakut Island is anyone’s guess.

You can find out more about the Coastal Ferry Services Contract on the Ferry Commission website. A full copy of the new Contract appears on our FAC Updates page, click here to view.




TIVFD Auxiliary Recruitment

to see the full-size image, click here


Cinnabar Caterpillars

They've hatched, and they're hungry!

The caterpillars of the Cinnabar Moth, feast on Tansy Ragwort, a noxious & invasive species.  They head for the flower buds first, work down the stalk eating everything, and then move on to the next plant.  Almost all of the tansy plants in an acre area, had an egg sack attached to it.  Keep on eating you wonderful little caterpillars!

For more pictures of the Cinnabar caterpillars & moths, click here.



More Sail Past photos...

Jeannine Caldbeck

click here to see more photos.


Capernwray Harbour Garden Tour ~ Talk & Tea

Each TUESDAY afternoon between July 10 and August 21, Capernwray Harbour will be hosting a GARDEN TOUR, TALK & TEA during their Holiday Bible Weeks, and Thetis Islanders are most welcome to join in!   

Take the opportunity to tour the Capernwray Gardens with our resident gardeners.  Ask questions, talk gardens, enjoy the beauty, find out how it’s all done and end the tour with a cup of tea in the greenhouse.  A perfectly civilized afternoon activity. Meet John Toplensky or Barry Friesen at the Capernwray Garden Gate at 2:00 pm on the Tuesday of your choice. 

Contact the Capernwray Office at 250-246-9440 if you require more information.


Wildfires & Propane ~ what you should be aware of...

Please click here for more info...

Jeannine Caldbeck ~ Fire Chief