Welcome to thetisposts.ca
Feel free to send us bits & pieces of information and interest, photos to share and notices of upcoming events etc.
Use the contact page or e-mail us directly.
Moths aplenty!
The moths that are battering your windows these nights are those of the Tent Caterpillar (Malacosoma Californicum pluviale)
This insect has had a great year feasting on trees all through the Pacific Northwest. Now when you gently carry these moths to the outdoors, you might think about an alternative strategy!
New Business ~ Generation 4 Contracting
Special Intro Pricing!
Excavation & Gravel Delivery
We are a family owned company offering excavation and delivery (gravel, landscaping material and construction supplies) on beautiful Thetis Island, BC
Quarterly deadline approaching!
It's that time yet again!
I will need all stories, articles, notices, pictures etc. for the next Quarterly to come in by August 10th. If you have any questions or suggestions, get in touch with me (Veronica) at
250 246 1509
Thank you!!!
Veronica Shelford
Ferry Advisory Committee Updates ~ June Traffic & Response
Domain Jasmin Vineyard & Winery
Our tasting room will be open Saturdays & Sundays from 10AM to 4PM.
Now selling our 2011 Pinot Gris.
Located at 444 Lakeview Road - at the end of Kenwood Road. 250-246-9494
Yoga Schedule Changes
Happy Sunny Summer to you all
Summer yoga is fun and firming all in one, and due to a few things going on in the hall we need to cancel a couple of classes:
July 26th – 9:30 to 11:00 is cancelled (Dawn away)
Aug. 8th 9:15 – 10:15 Art Soiree set up in main hall
Aug 9th 9:30 – 11:00 Art Soiree set up in mail hall
All other classes are on going right through until September, let your guests know, drop in is $10 for 90 minutes and $8 for the 60-minute class.
See you on your mat,
Nameste Dawn
Aikido for Adults?
A few people have come to me and asked if I am interested in teaching adult Aikido classes on Thetis. I would, if there is enough interest. Interested people can contact me by e-mail islandsedge@yahoo.com
Aikido is a Japanese martial art, founded by Master Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969). It is a martial art which trains one in self-discipline, coordination, and concentration. The techniques are based on the principle of non-resistance and harmony, and teach the practitioner to develop the natural power (Ki) inherent in the body. In addition to the development of martial skill, the aim of Aikido is “to unify the mind and body and to promote peace, harmony, and cooperation among all beings”.
Grant Babin
Little Island Aikikai
Capernwray's Pump House Hours
Capernwray Harbour's Pump House Snack Shop offers a variety of refreshments,books & souvenirs.
Hours of operation until August 24th are:
Sunday: 2 - 5pm & 9 - 9:45PM
Monday - Thursday: 2 - 3:30PM & 8 - 9:30PM
Friday - 12:45 - 2PM
Happy Retirement to Tom & Gloria...
On Sunday, July 9th, a small gathering was held to honour community members, Tom & Gloria, upon their retirement. After moving to Thetis in 1991 and establishing their home & business, they are about to embark on the next chapter of their lives. Building a new home, closing Quack Farm Nursery & White Peony Tea & Gift Shop, they are ready for new adventures and relaxation.
Hats off to a wonderful couple!