TIRRA Solid Waste Parcel Tax Rebate Notice
Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 11:46AM

Land owners paying property taxes on more than one Thetis Island property, may be eligible to receive a parcel tax rebate.

The original document can be viewed here.  

At the June TIRRA GM, the policy was reviewed as required annually. The policy, as is, was re-approved.

If you review the criteria, and believe you are eligible for rebate, please send your request to tirra@thetisisland.net or mail your request to Box 18-7 Thetis Island.

A copy of this notice and the original Rebate Policy, have been posted on the Ferry Terminal bulletin board.

From your TIRRA Executive

Article originally appeared on Thetis Blog (https://www.thetisposts.ca/).
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